Monday 19 August 2013

Sponsorship Deal For The Village!

    Last month The Tally Ho reported a problem in government funding for the Village. In this age of huge government cuts, that with the question of the cost of biscuits in the House of Commons, along with the austerity measures having been brought in. It is not therefore surprising that the question of funding the Village would eventually come into question.
   And yet there is also the question of the cost of repatriation of the citizens of the Village back to their various countries of nationality, which would of course produce embarrassing questions. Questions asked about the abduction of people to the Village in the first place, and in turn that might very well trigger the question of compensation!. And then there would be the additional costs of the eventual demolition of the Village itself.
   So it was decided at the highest level, that it would be cheaper in the long run to keep the Village going, that perhaps a sponsorship deal could be done in order to raise money for further Village funding. And it was agreed by all sides of the House of Commons that there was only one man they could approach.
                               The Tally Ho
                      Richard Branson To Sponsor The Village!
   Pictured here, Sir Richard Branson, a self-made man, sporting a Village blazer after agreeing a five year sponsorship deal for the Village. The details of the sponsorship remain Top Secret, as does the sum of monies involved. But The Tally Ho understands that the Penny Farthing logo will be removed from the Village flag, to be replaced by the Virgin Media emblem.  Move over Paddy boy! There appears to be a new Number One in the Village.
   Just a minute! The blazer sported by Sir Richard Branson looks familiar.
   Yes, just as I thought! It's the exact same style of piped blazer as worn by 93 in THEPRIS6NER. So is this old man, it couldn't be could it? It's just not possible!
             {with respectful apologies to Sir Richard Branson}

Be seeing you

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