Monday 12 August 2013

The Odd Man Out!

   This is Ninety-three, who wants to escape the Village. In fact at this point he's been trying to escape the Village for past fourty-one years, because he is the former No.6! Why is he the odd man out? Well all you have to do is look at the man's blazer, no-one else is seen to wear such a blazer in the current Village. Everyone in the Village appears to have been brought to the Village from New york. While this man has been brought from the former Village to the current Village, which pre-supposes that Helen/M2 has prior knowledge of the former Village. And yet, if people are brought to the Village because they have problems that need to be fixed so that they can be safely returned into society, that then pre-supposes that the former Village is not the former Village at all. That 93 being the former No.6, is actually a Prisoner in both Villages at the one and same time! So that when in that cave in the desert when 93 suffers a Village death, he's still alive as No.6, and still a prisoner in the "other Village!"

Be seeing you


  1. Hello David,
    it's an interesting idea. They could have sent Number 6 to the new village to make him less reluctant or to handle his anguish pattern..
    Well.. at least in the new village the drinks were genuine.
    Best wishes, Jana

    1. Hello Jana,

      554 described 93 as an old drunk who used to tell wild stories. Well I should think he could do with a drink. Having found himself a completely different Village to the one he had known.
      No.6 sent to the another Village to be made better, in order to have that anguish pattern dispelled!

      Very best wishes

  2. Hello David,
    to be honest I'm not happy with this portrayal of the former No6. When I think about it it seems somehow appropriate from a certain point of view, but it's difficult to get No93 in line with whom we know as No6. I'd like to think that No6 wouldn't let himself go (unintended pun here.. ).
    The other point is, does the new village still work if the inhabitant isn't happy there? What's the effect to the real self in the outside world if the trapped part suffers? It doesn't seem to have an effect on the outside worlds Michael that the new No6 encounters the village..
    And if No93 was held there in order to dispell his anguish pattern I wonder why No2 decided to let him die?

    1. Oops, there's something missing, sorry.
      I could imagine that No2 wanted to get No93 out of the way before No6 arrived, that could be an explanation.

      Very best wishes,

    2. Hello Jana,

      I suppose for people who do not know that the old man 93 is supposed to be the former No.6, it is difficult to get 93 in line with the former No.6. To them the old man is simply number 93. But the role of 93 was the cameo role offered to Patrick McGoohan which he turned down. But 93 is still the former No.6.

      As far as I can ascertain, the people in the outside world who have their other selves taken to the Village for treatment, to be made better, they have no idea of what is happening to them. In other words what is being done to people taken to the Village, is against the person's will.

      I think 93 died because the Prisoner-Six might have learned something from 93. Besides have you observed how people who get close to Six do not live for long, 554 for one, 415/Lucy for another.

      Very best wishes
