Saturday 10 August 2013

The Therapy Zone

    Number 6, in the guise of the Colonel in ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling,’ was quite obviously going on a trip. Although his handwriting was the same, he couldn't write cheques, because then he'd have found himself in prison for forgery!
   There was a safe secreted behind the television set in the study of his London home, wonder if that was replicated in his home from home in the village? Anyway, the Colonel/Number 6 took a certain amount of bills form the safe, American $ bills to be precise. Didn't Number 6 trust the good old £ sterling then? But would it really have mattered? As those bills would have to have been exchanged for the French Franc! But it's the fact that a supposed Englishman has American $ bills in his safe, and not the good old £ sterling!

   Do we understand ‘the Prisoner’ anymore today than we did yesterday? Well I bloody well hope so, because not a day goes by when I don't think about the Prisoner series, well I'm single you see, and there's nothing else to do all day. And what with fewer than 365 days to the next Prisoner convention at which I'm to hold a Prisoner seminar, I have to know the subject inside out. and it's not easy getting to know the Prisoner as he's a very private man, giving little or no information away about himself. Perhaps that's why he's been labelled as John Drake. But then what do we really know about John Drake, except that he's single, has little to do with women. Once worked for NATO security, before transferring to M9 {Military Intelligence}. Drives a Mini Cooper registration 713 HOP, and is able to take on different characters, a drunken slave trader, School teacher, Journalist, a drunken airline steward, and a drunken cultural attaché to name but a few. I have often remarked how easily Drake takes on the persona of a drunk in almost any given situation!
   So do we understand the Prisoner more today than we did yesterday, I hope I do, otherwise I've wasted the past 46 years!

Don't tell me.... The Prisoners all washed up!
   Well not the Prisoner, but certainly the body washed up on the beach - he's dead. And what's more it's possible that Roland Walter Dutton thought that his ex-colleague had actually killed the man, which of course he hadn't.
   So who was this man, a citizen of the village it seems, seeing as he has a photograph of himself with a young woman sitting by the pool and fountain in the central piazza in the village. What's more the body washed up on the shore is wearing village attire, unless of course he fell overboard from a passing vessel.
   So as a member of the community, where did he get the radio which No.6 found in the dead man's pocket? The message which No.6 later receives was intended for this man, not No.6. So was this dead man involved in a plot, a conspiracy against the Village, via outside forces, if so it looks like he'll have to wait a bit longer!
   But then it seems as if it was too late anyway. As it is apparent to me that Rover got him, either suffocated, or drowned to death by that white membranic thing. and so the possible plant and contact man for a possible outside agency is dead, and possibly the conspiracy with him!

Be seeing you

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