Saturday 17 August 2013

The Therapy Zone

The RAF Group Captain
   It was he who was supposed to have been the pilot of the Gloster Meteor jet aircraft, with No.6 as the navigator, as they swept a certain area of some 1,750 square miles south of Portugal, Spain and Northern Morocco.
    However as we are all witness to, he never makes it. Either he's "in on it" and simply hands over to the Milkman who then pilots the aircraft. Or he is attacked by the Milkman, rendered unconscious, and then the Milkman takes the Group Captains place in the cockpit of the Gloster Meteor.
   Either way, the Group Captain would have some explaining to do, to answer some embarrassing questions in fact. But of course even if the Group Captain was "in on it," he could feign having been attacked, even showing signs of having been so, "roughed up" a little by the Milkman.
    So where does this leave the situation? Well surely this is evidence that their ex-colleague was quite possibly telling the truth. And this would be reconfirmed by the disappearance of the Gloster Meteor jet, somewhere south of Spain, Portugal, and Northern Morocco.
   The disappearance of the aircraft? Well the Milkman could hardly return it to the aerodrome, could he? Perhaps there was an accident at sea, and No.6 is thought to have died in that accident! Either way, their ex-colleague has gone again, and we are witness to the fact that the Colonel does nothing to try and find him. Because after all they do still have the search co-ordinates which their ex-colleague would have followed to find the villages location. So why didn't the Colonel see to it that a search was then carried out. Or did he, and nothing was found of him or the village. If he did it's a pity, after all Thorpe found his way to the village.

Beautiful Day!
They've lived in the village for years.
Now they wouldn't leave for the world. Well they're too old for escape, and even if they did, where would they go?

The Prisoner
   It was once written that "The Prisoner can never be fully explained. It isn't meant to be. It is what you see in it - and you should be free to see as much as you like."
   Well just as long as what you see isn't simply made up, misinterpreted, or made to look like something else, otherwise what's the point? But if that's your bag, then who am I to tell you differently? And its quite true that ‘the Prisoner’ can never be fully explained, but if you can come to an understanding of most of ‘the Prisoner,’ then you are able to sit back and appreciate that which will always be inexplicable within the series, and thereby all the more interesting.
  And what about the sections of ‘the Prisoner’ which we do not see, that can never be understood, or explained by anyone? I mean the sections between say the end of Arrival and the beginning of ‘The Chimes of Big Ben’ for example. What happened the next day when there was the new No.2 who took part in the Appreciation Day ceremony - how did he treat No.6 the next day? And of course the same can be said of the new No.2 of ‘Free For All,’ was she brought to the village with the remit of extracting the reason for No.6's resignation, or was she to be involved in something else, simple administration work perhaps? If it was the former, then I wouldn't wish to be in No.6's shoes the next day after ‘Free For All!’
   You see, all one has to do is use one's imagination to fill in the gaps to your own satisfaction, and then you can enlarge upon Patrick McGoohan's masterpiece that is ‘the Prisoner.’

I'll be seeing you

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