Friday 2 August 2013

The Therapy Zone

Jackie Drake.......Never Heard Of Him!
    Strange isn't how some see something, or hear something within the Prisoner which is completely misunderstood by the observer. Take the episode Once Upon A Time for example, it has been written that the Prisoner is indirectly referred to as "Jackie Drake." Well this is absurd, at no time does No.2 refer to No.6 as "Jackie Drake". Yes No.2 does use the name Jackie, as in the nursery rhyme "See saw Marjory Daw, Jackie shall have a new master....." As for Drake, the name never passes No.2's lips! Oh I see, it's mistaking the word "Break" - "Report to my study during the morning break" says No.2 to the pupil-No.6. Obviously the observer has misheard, like so many before him, the word "break" for "Drake."

A Question of Identity!
   During the episode of The General we see No.2 take his identity card from the inside pocket of his overcoat and show it to one of the Security Guards.
    Doesn't this Security Guard know No.2 by sight? Can he not recognise No.2 by the badge he wears upon the left lapel of his overcoat? Well I suppose seeing as there was once a pair of No.6's in the previous episode, security were taking no chances.
   You may recall that No.6 has worn a variety of different numbers, twice during ‘The General,’ No.2 in ‘Free For All,’ No.12 ‘The Schizoid Man,’ and again during the ‘Dance of the Dead,’ the badge pinned upon the white smock he wore, along with those spectacles he found in the breast pocket.
   So too did No.6 have an identity card, which was given to him, along with his Health & Welfare card, a credit card, and employment card.

"The Maids Come And They Go!"
    I have often thought what a high turnover of personal maids No.6 has. First there was the one waving a duster from the balcony of No.6's cottage, but who miraculously disappeared when No.6 dashed round to his cottage.
    But can we really count this maid into the equation, can we, because in actual fact this maid is supposed to be the maid No.66 pictured here, as she tries to extract the reason behind the Prisoner's resignation. The actress who didn't actually go to the film location of Portmeirion.
   "They said they'd let me go, if you gave me some sort of information!"
    Well No.66 didn't last long, because by the time of ‘A B and C,’ No.6 had another personal maid.
    But of course she was the night Maid who came to No.6's cottage every night in order to make him his nightcap of hot chocolate, drugged of course in order to make him sleep, as was the case with the majority of citizens who live in the village. You will recall No.6 saying in ‘Dance of the Dead that he's never seen a night, he just sleeps!
   I say night maid, because when it comes to the ‘Dance of the Dead,’ we learn that No.6 had two types of maid, a day time maid, and night time maid, No.54 being the day time maid, who brought No.6 his breakfast on a tray that morning in a fancy dress costume.
   And the night maid-No.21.
    No.6 "What is it?"
    Night Maid-No.21 "It's good for you."
    "Good for someone!"
    No.21 "Be seeing you"
   One further personal maid could be that of No.58 of ‘Free For All,’ who like No.54 whose time was to come, brought No.6 his breakfast on a tray, along with that of No.2's as well of course.
    That is the way it appeared to me, but having said that, there doesn't really appear to be a high turnover in No.6's personal maids at all, judging by what we see that is. I cannot of course account for that which we do not see in the Prisoner, to do so would be pure speculation on my part, which would have no certainty to it. But you the reader may think as you may.

Lye ezeet azoon.

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