Tuesday 20 August 2013

Thought For The Day

    A number is not always for Life! Take No.93 for example. He was an Unmutual in ‘A Change of Mind,’ but in the end he confessed and was truly grateful. However in the episode ‘The General’ the same man was  previously a "prefect" No.256, who with No.234 rounds up No.6 who is playing truant down on the beach! So from security No.256, to being an Unmutual No.93. Every number tells a story, as in the case of No.8 who was with us, and ‘Living In Harmony,’ but who later had went and gone by the time of ‘Fall Out’ – and became No.48.



  1. Hello David,
    to me it seems as if Number 6 was the only figure bearing a number who did not change neither his character nor his number over the whole series (safe for Schizoid Man when he and his Numbers were doubled, and safe for he appearance in Do Not Forsake me Oh My Darling).
    Best wishes
    Be seeing you

    1. Hello Jana,

      Yes, I think you are probably right, I certainly cannot think of anyone else, nicely observed.

      Very kind regards

  2. Staying the same... number, e.g. he is or was, keeping the very same property: it's a technical device in the case of satire.

    The principal character is unmoved by whatever happens around him. And to us, as readers or observers, the ensuing discrepancy between "what is" and "what should/would be" inherent therein renders it all into something that we classify as satirical or absurdness and so on. Although it isn't bare satire he's aiming at many Philip K. Dick's characters are of that nature. The world and reality as we know it crackles and falls apart but most of them stay intact, physically and mentally. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      An interesting comment and observation, and deep for a Sunday.

      Very best wishes
