Sunday 8 September 2013

All Our Prisoner Convention Yesterdays

  I recall when in 1989 I purchased a plain dark blazer from a clothes store called "'Fosters". I asked the assistant if they could have piping added to the edge of the blazer. "No problem sir, if you provide the piping." So I rushed off to the habadashery shop and purchased a good length of piping. Then returning to Foster's shop I explained what I wanted. I think my request was an unusual one, and was asked why I wanted the piping added, for a Brass band? No I told him, it's for a Prisoner Convention. The Shop assistant looked at me strangely, he had never heard of 'the Prisoner television series!' I left the shop, and returned two days later to collect the completed garment. I still have that piped blazer today, and on occasion still wear it.
   I do have a second piped blazer which I had made up, the blazer came from a local School outfitters believe it or not. And the piping added by a seamstress at a dry cleaning emporium. The blazer is quite remarkable, as like the one worn by Patrick McGoohan in 'the Prisoner,' in certain sunlight the blazer looks brown in colour, when it's actually black!
                                   "Vote for me and I'll be every so comfortee!"
    What is all this? Election transport for No.6? The picture taken at the 1994 'Prisoner' Convention. On the Monday after the Convention, the car which was Caterham's demonstrator, went to Black Rock sands a little way along the coast from Portmadog, along with a number of members of the Convention in order to complete a photographic shoot for 'Auto-Car' magazine.
                                            "Its good agricultural stuff!"
   That's me on the right, practising for the fencing scene re-enactment from 'The Schizoid Man.' Those attending the Convention that year had never seen anything like it before, a thrilling action re-enactment watched by hundreds of people, convention members and members of the general public alike.
I'll be seeing you

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