Thursday 5 September 2013

Pictorial Prisoner

    From a scene in 'A Change of Mind,' when once again mob rules in the Village! No.6 is sitting outside his cottage, waiting, apparently calm outwardly, but inside all churned up waiting for the onslaught to come. A number of citizens attack No.6, as No.56 lays into him, quite visciously with her umbrella, No.42 is delivering karate chops to the side of his neck!
Be seeing you


  1. Certainly the most drastic scene of violence. Not so much because of its brutality, sure not, but because it's so damn realistic. Everybody knows or would appear to have the experience of being beaten with an umbrella. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      Liked your comment.

      No.56 {played by June Ellis} looks to attack No.6 with the conviction of doing him or Patrick McGoohan, some real harm in that scene. In fact all the cast in that scene appear to be acting their roles with real conviction. Perhaps it is a chance for them to vent their frustration at Pat McGoohan!

      Very kind regards
