Tuesday 10 September 2013

Postcard From The Village

    It's not very often that we are allowed out after dark, well we're not allowed out at night at all really. All good citizens fast asleep after drinking their nightly drugged night cap!
   Ah, but tonight is different, no, it's not Carnival and there's no Ball at the Town Hall either. No, I tipped my cocoa down the sink, and quite stupidly someone has left the door to my cottage unlocked. An oversight, or open opportunity I'm not too sure. But anyway there I was, out and about in the Village, well passed the hour of curfew, when out from nowhere it came at me! There was a blood curdling roar, mixed with the sounds of a bicycle pump, and strangely enough the gentle undertones of Gregorian chant. Then everything went white, as my face was covered with a sort of membrane, and the next thing I knew, I was waking up here in hospital!
   Next time, not that there's going to be a next time, I'll just drink my nightcap of hot cocoa, and spend the night indoors... it's a sight safer that way!

       Be seeing you

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