Thursday 12 September 2013

The stone Boat In For Refit our own reporter investigates

    There was a frenzy of activity down on the quayside this morning. Well hardly a frenzy to be absolutely truthful, although there is activity aboard the Stone Boat. The reason is that the Stone Boat is in for annual refit. "She's been at sea for months, and is long over due for her refit" the ex-Admiral told me in an interview "She always was great in any weather, sailed her many a time. Now after her refit she'll be even better."

   The Stone Boat will enjoy a complete new rigging, roofing for both the facile, main cabin and stern cabin. The scraping of her bottom has already been carried out, and a new plimsoll line painted at the water line on her hull. Painting of the stone boat is being carried out from stem to stern, you can see a number of painters who are working on her at the moment. The Stone Boat will enjoy a new anchor, lifebelt, a complete new set of sails, and her life boat which is under repair in the workshop at the moment. Even No.6, pictured down on the quayside, himself a keen mariner as we have witnessed on no fewer than two separate occasions, seems to think nothing of rolling up his sleeves to get his hands dirty in helping out with the refit!
   "She'll soon be ship shape and Bristol fashion. Ready to put out to sea once again, the pride of the village upon the high seas." This Admiral told me as he quietly whistled "What shall we do with the drunken sailor" to himself!
   For myself, it will be a joy the see her in full sail again. Bunting rigged between her masts and the crew clambering about again in her rigging once again!

Your own reporter
Photographs by No.113

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