Saturday 14 September 2013

The Therapy Zone

"You have to be hammer or anvil!"
   Well I'd much prefer to be the anvil, as hammers wear out more than anvils. Hammers break you know, and that is just what No.2 did in the end! What's more No.6 changed places with No.2, having started out as the anvil, he quickly became the hammer. Hammering No.2 into submission!
   And that wasn't the only time No.6 changed places with No.2. There was another time during Once Upon A Time, when No.6 as the patient, changed places with his doctor - No.2!

Observers Report
A well met, not to mention well suited pair of No.6 and Cathy-No.22, you could not wish to meet!
   No.22 has something in common with No.9 of Arrival, she like No.22 was going to help No.6 escape the village, although escape for her was now out of the question since Cobb's supposed death. Cathy, during the episode of ‘Living In Harmony,’ helps the stranger -the man with no name, leave the town of Harmony, although for her there was no question of her being able to leave. But unlike No.9, No.22 has an affection for No.6, in the fact that she wished that it had been real, and not some role playing game.

    It could simply be for the camera, and the benefit of the viewers, but in the episode of ‘The Chimes of Big Ben,’ No.2 whilst in the control room looks up at the map of the world on the control room wall. And the area No.2 looks up at, is that of the Baltic, where Nadia and No.6 are supposed to be just off the coast of Poland in their small home-made boat. Well that is part of the plot. But nowadays we know differently.

The positive & negative of it all.
   Originally it was to have been that both No.6 and No.12 wore the same dark blazer. However it was decided at the time, that having both No.6's wearing the same coloured blazer, would have made it too difficult for the viewer to tell them apart. So it was decided that No.6 was to wear a cream blazer with black piping.
   So, if as it was originally to have been, and you were watching ‘The Schizoid Man’ for the first time, could you tell No.6 and No.12 apart?

Be seeing you

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