Tuesday 3 September 2013

The Therapy Zone

   “I have a question to ask. How did it come to this? Dressed in a Cossack style outfit, and a Russian hat, and locked behind bars, with a dwarf who's no better than he should be!"
   "Look you can say what you like, I'm not answering any of your questions, and they'll never be any explanations. If you can't figure my creation out for yourselves, then you don't deserve it! And if someone doesn't let me out in the next minute there's going to be trouble!"

   These are but a handful of citizens who are described by No.42 as being "Socially conscious citizens and are provoked by the loathsome presence of an unmutual." Certainly they are sheep, who have been turned against No.6 for no good reason, but for the reason of No.2.
    These citizens are also extremely gullible. As to be so easily fooled into believing that No.6 has successfully undergone the process known as "Instant Social Conversion." Then they cheer, applaud, and welcome No.6 back into the fold. This in the firm belief that his unmutualism has been cured, and that he will now be a model citizen.
   The citizens are merely pawns to be used in the game as No.2 sees fit. We have witnessed it previously during the game of ‘Checkmate,’ and now witness it again with ‘A Change of Mind.’ Yet it is not unusual for the operation known as "Instant Social Conversion" to be carried out in hospitals and clinics in the outside world. Such operations are given a different name that is all - Leucotomies which isolate the aggressive frontal lobes, as described by No.2 in this episode, and which the doctor-No.22 wanted to carry out on No.6 in the episode ‘Checkmate.’ But we should have known that no such operation would be allowed to have been carried out on No.6 - he's far too important, and has a future with the Village!

    They say six of one, half dozen of the other
    Not here.... Its six for two and two for nothing....." This statement is said that even in No.6's own words he sees his own downfall as No.2, that he's "heading for nothing." Yet is this right? Isn't No.6 saying that its six for two, seeing as he's running for office - No.2's office as Chairman of the Village. And "Two for nothing", meaning that if No.2 loses will be "nothing," having lost the election.
What’s That Number 6 Up To?

    No.6 will never open that steel door like that, I can tell you that much! Yet, there seems something familiar about that steel door, secreted in the rock like that. A steel door leading into a secret laboratory in the episode of ‘A B and C,’ which seems to me to be reminiscent of a steel door set in a rock face in the original Star Trek series, the first episode The Cage. And behind that steel door, was a laboratory where aliens were studying humans.

Be seeing you

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