Monday 30 September 2013

The Therapy Zone

Men In Black
   We have seen them, these "men in black" who deal with unruly alien life forms. But possibly these agents of the village were the original men in black. And if they were, as they appear to be, then who would suspect them being anything more than they appear to be, two undertakers who arrive at No.1 Buckingham Place, or indeed any house for that matter to remove the recently deceased.
    Yet there is much more to these men in black, than being simple agents of the village who carry out abductions under the guise of undertakers. These men in black are also administrators who help both govern and attend to the needs of the village, who also sit on the educational board in ‘The General,’ whilst others are possibly members of the assembly during the three trials of ‘Fall Out.’

The Prisoner in Danger........Of Being Drawn To The 'Dark-Side!'
    It has been both said and written of the Prisoner that No.6 was the alter ego of No.1, who he was trying to beat. A good versus evil syndrome which has taken place many times in literature, television and films alike over the years, decades and past centuries. But which side exactly, was which?
   The anger, hate, and aggression displayed by No.6 are feelings of the dark-side, which I suppose he was trying to expunge. But in displaying such aggression as he did during the episode ‘A Change of Mind’ for example, would simply draw him to the dark side. It is these that No.6 has to fight and beat within himself if he is to achieve the freedom he so craves.
   But are such emotions really represented by the cowled figure of No.1, No.6's dark-side as some see him to be? Certainly No.1 is no Darth Vader, more of a monk type of character, the wise Obi-Wan Kenobi if you like. Okay at the end No.1 does laugh maniacally and dash about like some demented maniac, but he does not show signs of aggression, hate, or anger towards No.6. But really we don't see that much of No.1, he is only mentioned on the telephone by No.2. It's No.6 with the aggressive tendencies, the feeling of anger and hate towards the village, and often his feelings for the citizens is no better. Only later as he finally begins to adjust to like in the village, does No.6 begin to mellow towards his fellow citizens.
   Could it be that we've got it wrong? That it is No.1 who is trying to beat No.6, and not the other way round. I suppose it all depends on your own personal interpretation on the series.

It’s Something Inexplicable!
    During the episode of ‘A B and C’ No.6 follows the doctor-No.14 through the village and into the woods, and eventually to the secret laboratory somewhere in those woods.
   Unable to gain entry through the steel door set back in the rocks, No.6 enters the laboratory via the air-conditioning shaft. As he makes his way down that shaft, it can be observed that No.6 is wearing dark socks, even at the point when he kicks out the wire mesh guard he is wearing dark socks. However, as No.6 emerges out of the air-conditioning shaft he is wearing beige socks!
   Not an important observation, simply a piece of trivia. But interesting to see that there had been a change of socks worn by No.6-McGoohan in such a short space of time. Quite obviously there was a re-shoot of the kicking out of the wire mesh guard, and McGoohan was wearing different coloured socks at the time!
   I offer no evidence for this, but ask you to check it out for yourselves.

Be seeing you

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