Thursday 5 September 2013

The Therapy Zone

Out of The Archive The Prisoner
   The first time I watched ‘Fall Out’ I was a naive 12 year old. Naive? Well I thought with the final episode of ‘the Prisoner’ series ‘Fall Out,’ all my questions would be answered. Sadly, at the time, I was wrong. You have to find the answers yourself, and so I have. But am I any the wiser with those answers, that's the question. Well to be quite honest, yes I am. And I am hoping I can go through much the same process with the new series of ‘The Prisoner.’ As it happens I was not disappointed!

    No.6 thought nothing of the plain glass in the pair of spectacles which he wore in the episode of ‘Dance of the Dead,’ along with the white coat of course. Had the lenses in the spectacles not been plain glass, then No.6 would not have been able to make his way through the rooms of the Town Hall so easily. Unless of course those spectacles were those belonging to McGoohan himself! Which of course they were.

    Over the years there have been many remarks made about the Prisoner series, here are but a few; "What's all this fuss about a TV series?" "I've seen everything now, a shop devoted the Prisoner!" "That was a daft programme." "It didn't end properly." "I used to like him in ‘Danger Man.’ "That was a stupid programme, I didn't understand a word of it." "Sticks in the mind you say? It didn't stick in my mind!" "What's this penny farthing all about?" "Isn't this where they filmed the Prisoner?" "Look you can buy a No.6 badge." "oh, you can join the Prisoner society, ha, ha, ha, ha." Enough said I think.

    No.2 of ‘Hammer Into Anvil’ is the only No.2 to have his own "shooting stick," which he carries about him whilst others have the more unusual "umbrella shooting stick." Not only that, but No.2 has a sword concealed inside his shooting stick, which he must have brought with him and which could not have been detected in any

   No.2, during ‘The Chimes of Big Ben,’ said of No.6's home made tools stone axe and chisel, "You know the ruling on offensive axe's, saws, chisels that sort of thing. They may fall into the wrong hands."  "Stone axe, chisel, even these are outside the pale of the law you know." Then certainly No.2's concealed sword would also have to be considered to be "outside the pale of the law." So judging by this law on offensive weapons, it occurred to me that No.2 actually smuggled his weapon into the Village, for his own protection in not knowing exactly what he had got himself into?

Be seeing you


  1. When we were kids we'd dig veritable caves into the clay soil where we were living using wooden chisels, perhaps take adequate stones to sharpen or point wooden sticks when knives were unavailable. But a whole tree with a stone axe? On the other hand, there are those so-called experimental archeologists trying to figure out how in the ancient past people could have acieved something without the tools of our time. I found this scene a bit, well, optimistic. Which isn't to say that it cannot be done given a lot of time. Perhaps we must acceopt that No. 6 did have the time before the start of the exhibition. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      A very interesting and illuminating comment.
      I suppose it could have been done using a stone axe and chisel {but it looks damned hard work to me} given time, and as we know No.6 had just 6 weeks to complete his work. And yes we must accept what No.6 did, and without a blister on his hands to show for it! That's the trouble with looking at 'the Prisoner' through realistic eyes!

      Very kind regards
