Thursday 24 October 2013

Debriefing The Subject With No.2

   Supervisor's Voice" Did you think you could escape? Were you attempting suicide? What was the purpose of your swim? What was in your mind, what was in your mind? What was the purpose of your swim? Did you think you could escape? What was in your mind? What were you thinking, what was in your mind? Were you attempting suicide, suicide, suicide? what was in your mind? What was in your mind?.........
   No.2 "Look, she won't say a word. I really don't want to be too hard on her, she's not at all important. I'm surprised they sent her here. Have you noticed any suicidal tendencies?"
   No.6" What are you doing to her?"
   "Nothing, as you can see. Oh there's an alternating current in the floor, four seconds on, four seconds off. It take three seconds to get to the door. If she times it right she can leave whenever she likes. Oh look she's caught onto that at last!"
   No.8 takes some water from the bowl set on the table in front of her and drips it onto the floor and counts "1....2...3...4" and there comes an electrical flash and the water evaporates. then No.8 tries again as No.6 and No.2 looks on through the observation window.
   No.2 "You see if she has any confidence in her timing, she's got no problem. It's self-inflicted. I think she's going to do it... yes.""
   No.8 sprinkles a few more drops of water on the floor "1....2....3...4" and makes a bolt for the door, but then stops as she reaches the door and drops to the floor "Kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me!"
    No.2 "Switch off, switch off!" Well, well, we'll just have to try something else!"
    Yes, No.6 is a sucker for a damsel in distress!

Be seeing you

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