Friday 11 October 2013

Is This No.6? asks our own reporter

Since when did No.6 take to wearing a cream blazer with black piping? His usual garb is that of a dark blazer with off white piping. Ever since I've seen No.6 out and about the village, he's never dressed like this! What's more he's stopped playing chess with No.66-the Ex-Admiral and appears to be settling down to life here in the village. And there's something else which niggles me, and for the life of me I cannot quite put my finger on it. Oh, of course - No.6 wearing his badge. But No.6 has never worn his badge, not since the day he took it off after being discharged from the hospital.

   So if he is No.6, then who is this fellow coming out of "12 private?"
   Why it's No.6! In that case then, why did the Sikh salute him with "Good morning Number12." And then there is the young woman pushing the old bloke in the wheelchair.
  "Good morning Number 12."
"Why do you call me Number 12?"
"That's what you were called the last time I saw you."
    Was it? And just when was it that this young woman saw this No.12? I have a feeling there is something fishy going on here, and that both that of the Sikh and this young woman, whose number I cannot call to mind at this present time, must have been well briefed by someone, possibly by No.2 himself.
   And so we have two No.6's in the village, as if things were not bad enough here in the village! But what is remarkable, when the two 6's are out and about the village together, as they surely must have been on their way to and from the Recreation Hall, and from there to the Green Dome, as they were herded there together by Rover. And not one citizen turned a hair in their presence, nor did a double take!
   And do you know what, there are more citizens wearing PINK piped blazers in the village than I had realised. There are two examples here. And what an idiot that old bloke looks like, wearing a tinted visor and his cap perched on his head like that!
   If you ask me, No.6 in the dark piped blazer is the real No.6, but if the other one had also been wearing the exact same blazer - well that might have been a different prospect!

Your own reporter
Photographs by No.113b

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