Thursday 10 October 2013

The Therapy Zone

    The meeting of No.1 and No.6 was not the first of such meetings, not by any means. Literature is packed with alter egos meeting up with himself, but not of course Dr. Henry Jekyll and Mr. Edward Hyde. Because that situation was completely different, in that Jekyll and Hyde being the one and the same person, they could never actually meet in the same way as No.6 meets No.1. Or was it? Because if No.6 was supposed to have been the alter ego of No.1, then like Jekyll and Hyde they could never physically meet as they did. Another effect simply or the viewers perhaps, as was the visual journey of The Chimes of Big Ben.

    Dance of the Dead enjoys a female, elfin looking No.2, and it is her voice, that of Mary Morris, which we hear in the opening dialogue during the opening sequence. But it is the figure of a man who is seen sitting in that black spherical Eero Aarnio chair. Unfortunately it has not been possible to actually identify the figure in beige slacks and plain dark blazer. Possibly this is because No.2 of ‘Dance of the Dead’ was to have been actor Trevor Howard.

Individualistic Tendencies
    It appears that not only does No.240, the Villages best observer demonstrate her individualistic tendencies, but so too does the Butler!
   This by wearing their village cape inside out! Perhaps they just don't want to be seen as other villagers, perhaps having the need to get themselves noticed, as individuals. Either that or they just simply don't want to look stupid wearing those outlandish colourful stripped capes in this demonstration of defiance! And what's more the Butler doesn't even wear his numbered Penny Farthing badge. For this crime No.48 was put on trial for not wearing his badge! Me, I don't know how they get away with it!

    On the morning of the Prisoners arrival in the Village he pays a call at the General store. On the wall by the door is a cigarette machine. Later in Hammer Into Anvil this cigarette machine has been removed and replaced with a newspaper rack.

    No.6 called for a character witness during his trial during ‘Dance of the Dead,’ he suggested a man who he thinks he once knew. A man who is set to die and so is best suited to say the things which need to be said.... Roland Walter Dutton. What exactly it was that No.6 expected Dutton to say can only be open to speculation. But suffice to say that possibly No.6 expected Dutton to speak out against the regime of the village, in favour of No.6.

Be seeing you

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