Monday 28 October 2013

The Therapy Zone

Death At Sea!
    It's No.6 who has died in an accident at sea, well that's the story which will be put out, once that body which had been amended to look like No.6 has been found at sea. Well that's the story of ‘Dance of the Dead.’ But hang on a minute, what as originally planned in the original screening order, that ‘Dance of the Dead’ featured before ‘Many Happy Returns’ - who would that figure? I mean the reported death of the Prisoner, who has died in an accident at sea, but then turns up alive. Surely that would have made his ex-colleagues - the Colonel and Thorpe - take their ex-colleague seriously right from the start.

Hero Or Anti Hero?
    During his escape in ‘Many Happy Returns,’ the Prisoner has no qualms in attacking the two supposedly gun-runners in order to achieve his liberty. However I suppose this is quite understandable, seeing what the Prisoner has been put through during the time after his abduction to the village, and now in being so close to his freedom, the Prisoner will not allow anyone to stand in his way!

   No.6 returns to his cottage at the end of ‘The Chimes of Big Ben.’ No.6 clicks his fingers and his cottage door opens automatically for him. This to the announcement over the public address system "Good evening citizens, your council wishes to announce an exciting competition.... the subject this time, seascapes...." And it has always seemed to me that the female announcer is rubbing salt into No.6’s wound as he returns to his cottage!

Aversion Therapy
Playing Devils advocate, this scene might not be as bad as first thought by the viewer.

    After all this is taking place at the hospital, and not every doctor is carrying out human experiments on the hospital patients. Well perhaps they are even in this instance, but "aversion therapy" can mean therapy for patients with phobias, a dislike of something, a repugnance towards a specific thing, possibly even an allergy of something. And so patients are being treated for such here, a voice coming through the headphones each patient is wearing, a voice telling them not to fear whatever their particular aversion is. Well its possible, however unlikely the reader may find this idea.

Be seeing you


  1. "Aversion therapy" to me clearly is a euphemistic, a cloaking expression. It can mean different methods of treatment raning from the rather wellness type, like in picture, to brute force in its extremes. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      Well of course you are quite right.

      Very kind regards

  2. If "Schizoid Man" had happened before "Dance of the Dead", then the Village could have used Curtis's body to infer that No.6 died in an accident at sea.

    Be seeing you!

    1. Hello ZM72,

      Good to hear from you.
      Well yes that's true, pity they didn't think of that at the time the series was being produced! As No.2 once said "Waste not, want not!"

      Very kind regards
