Monday 7 October 2013

The Therapy Zone

    In the episode ‘The Schizoid Man,’ the Observers were having trouble in finding No.6, after he had left his cottage of 12 Private. It also seems that the observers missed No.6 reversing the conditioning that was carried out on him, by use of a table lamp which was short circuiting. And what's more, I should think that fight between No.6 and Curtis went unreported, or perhaps they simply were not watching! And what about the attack on Curtis by Rover, the village guardian, well No.6 reported that himself!

That’s Me Standing Over there!
   Number 6 has his sleep deepened for him. He is drugged by two doctors, and removed from his comfortable cottage of 6 private. For over a month No.6 is kept drugged in an alien environment, as doctors work together on the conditioning of No.6. This in the form of condition No.6 into being left handed, instead of right. To make him believe that his favourite dish is flapjacks, and to smoke black Russian cigarettes, and not those of his favourite brand of cigar.
   More than this, No.6's hair has been restyled, and he's grown a moustache - apparently over night - according to the date on The Tally Ho and that of his day-date calendar, all of which throws No.6 into a state of confusion - you want to watch that - No.6 is right handed, as No.2 tosses his file to him.
   Then No.12 has a make over by two attractive hairdressers. No.12's hair is dyed, or should that the black dye washed out? And his moustache shaved off - and now you wouldn't know yourself, would you No.6? I certainly wouldn't have known No.6, had it not been for the fact that No.6 is wearing his usual black blazer with white piping, rather than the negative one, otherwise it wouldn't bear thinking about.
   No.2 tells No.6, that when it all begins even he will not be able to tell them apart. Well he's having a laugh isn't he? So No.6 is given the password GEMINI, No.12 is the schizoid man!
   I suppose as things go here in the village, this conditioning wasn't too bad, and could have been worse, judging by how easily No.6 was able to reverse that conditioning by use of a short circuiting table lamp back in his cottage.

     No.6 is sometimes played like a caged animal - angry, stubborn, temperamental. Constantly pacing the floor of his lounge. In the following images taken during routine surveillance, No.6 cannot even relax whilst he's drinking a cup of coffee, and eating a ham sandwich!
    No.2 asked the Colonel what sort of opinion he forms of that fellow on the wall screen. "Anybody who spends his time doing that" said the Colonel "must be rather stupid."
     No.6 is always on the prowl, pictured in his cottage on the wall screen in No.2's office. Always on the alert, ready for anything that might come along. But if he doesn't learn to relax and eat properly, he'll give himself an ulcer!

Be seeing you

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