Saturday 12 October 2013

Thought For The Day

    A Change of Mind seems to have a touch of the Far East about it. There is an oriental gentleman addressing a meeting of the social group "There can be no mitigation. We all have a social obligation to stand together." Then there's No.2, who likes nothing more than to spout off those sayings of his such as "He who ploughs a straight furrow need hoe for nothing." This in the way that Chinese Chairman Mao had his sayings, but put them down in that little red book of his. And this No.2 is projecting the image of one that cares about the people, in a similar way as Chairman Mao would, but at the same time be hiding something dark and dangerous underneath. And then there's the title of No.2 as 'Chairman' of the Village, it reminds me of the title "The Chairman of the Central Committe of the Communist Party of China."

Be seeing you

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