Saturday 2 November 2013

Thought For The Day

    Are many of the events of 'Many Happy Returns' just too much to swallow? After all certain details do not stand up to too much scrutiny. For example, the last recorded day of No.6's log is "Day 18," and yet he had been at sea for "25 days." Of course the television viewer only sees a number of days logged in No.6's "schoolboy log," however there is the thinking that No.6 endured the last part of his voyage {7 days} in a state of unconsciousness. Well if he had, the raft would have drifted off course for perhaps hundreds of miles, quite possibly further out into the Atlantic ocean, and him without a life-line attaching him to the raft. If that had been the case, what price the Prisoner's survival? None I should think, just as well those gun runners, or whoever they were, turned up when they did!

Be seeing you

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