Friday 15 November 2013

School Days

"Those were the days, the days that are gone. The faces forgotten, the memories linger on.    Southminster."

    Doctor "I'm sorry, but Matron cannot see you this afternoon. Can you come back tomorrow during the morning break?"
    Pupil "Well it’s a bit embarrassing really."
    "Well I'm sure that whatever it is, Matron will want to have a look at it. What appears to be the trouble?"
    "I've got my diddler caught in my zip!"
    "Ouch! That can be nasty."
    "Yes. It did bring tears to my eyes at first."
    "Well perhaps I can help. Would you like me to take a look at it for you?"
    "I think it should be Matron really."
    "Well I can see your embarrassment, but as I say Matron can't see you at the moment. Perhaps if we were to sing the old school song it might help take your mind off it."
    "We could try."
    "Those were the days, the days that are gone. The faces forgotten, the memories linger on.  Southminster."


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