Friday 8 November 2013

The Prisoner & A Point Of View

    I suppose its how you actually look at 'the Prisoner' which helps you decide how or if at all, you understand what its all about and the so called meaning behind it. Patrick McGoohan once said, upon being asked why the No.6 "Six" he said "is the only number which becomes another number when inverted. Turn it upside down and it become "9" I like it for that reason. I guess "1" and "0" achieve the same effect, but "6" is far more interesting. Well so does the number 9, that makes 6 when inverted. Then there's 66, 99 666 999, which all become another number when inverted, and these numbers are but a few examples. So 6 inverted to make 9 isn't that interesting when you think about it, individual yes, but then so too are other numbers. Perhaps even more individual than names!
    It has often been believed in the past that No.6 did not give his reason for his resignation. Well of course he told us, and often enough as it so happens. But McGoohan when asked why the Prisoner resigned he had this to say "He simply resigns as a matter of choice. He shouldn't have to answer to anyone. It's entirely his prerogative, his god given right as an individual, to proceed in any way he sees fit. That's the whole point of it all."
   Well that's all fine and dandy, but there is no such thing as god's given right, those of a religious persuasion will no doubt argue that point. But all the same, people in positions such as that of the Prisoner, in a job of high confidentiality, top secret and above the law, cannot and must not be allowed simply to resign from that position. If they are for some strange reason allowed to leave, they are generally kept on a very short leash, watched and observed everywhere they go, until the time comes to bring them back into the fold so to speak, as what happened in the case of Callan. He was not allowed to resign from The Section. Colonel Hunter, head of The Section would rather see Callan killed than let him walk away. Such men of the calibre of Callan and the Prisoner are not simply allowed to walk free, to roam wherever they will, not with the kind of knowledge that is inside their heads. Of course anyone can resign, but the after effects all depends on the kind of work you do. And sometimes we all have to answer to someone, even if it's the woman at the job centre asking you "Why did you resign?"

Be seeing you


  1. Where and when exactly did Patrick McGoohan once say "Six is the only number which becomes another number when inverted. Turn it upside down and it become "9" ?

    1. Hello Anonymous,
      I forget the precise time Patrick McGoohan claimed this, that six was chosen for the Prisoner because six is the only number when turned upside down becomes something else. But it was sometime after the production of 'the Prisoner.' He might not have specified the number rhat it became, but what else would it become? When you turn 6 upside down it becomes 9. But then the same can be said of 9, in that lies McGoohan's error!

      Very kind regards

    2. Of course the same can be said of 9 or 66 or 99 etc. I think this would have been one of McGoohan's famous "test" statements, challenging the questioner to correct him, after which, depending on the strength of the interviewer or not, the conversation would proceed very differently.

    3. Hello Anonyous,
      I think that was part of the problem at the time, no-one challenged McGoohan. I think the members of the press and media took McGoohan's word as being gospel about 'the Prisoner,' seeing as he was the series creator.
      McGoohan said he wanted to make people ask questions, not just sit there and accept things as they are, this he tried to do through 'the Prisoner.' I think he failed, seeing as not enough questions were asked of him at the time!

      Very kind regards

  2. I cannot, in the true sense of the word, prove this: The number 6 was chosen partly because of the "magic" year 1966 in which the series was made. More than this, in GB the duodecimal system was reigning with the 6 being "half a dozen of the other". And further, something I came across only recently when I looked at the "Magic Number 6" poster more closely: the hand gesture, if properly made, displays a 6. But did PMcG have this on his mind by the time of the production? Finally, isn't 6 or 666 the number of the Devil? But - what would the Devil be doing here...? - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      That's the thing about this number 6, why that particular number was chosen for the Prisoner. There are plenty of theories about that, but none have ever been proven. I've been thinking about what McGoohan said, that six was chosen because it's the only number when turned upside down becomes something else. I've come to think that's a piece of nonsense on McGoohan's part. For me I think why six was chosen, has more to do with his school days at Ratcliffe. But once again that can never be proven.
      6 is the first perfect number,and 666 is the number of the beast. I think it unlikely that the reason for the Prisoner being Number 6 has anything to do with the Village salute.

      Very kind regards
