Tuesday 12 November 2013

The Therapy Zone

Did Professor Jacob Seltzman Escape?
   It is always assumed, and by me I have to add, that Professor Jacob Seltzman was the only person to escape the Village in the pre-Fall Out episodes. But did he actually escape, because the film of the Alouette helicopter supposedly carrying Seltzman away in the guise of the Colonel, is the same film seen at the end of the episode ‘It’s Your Funeral,’ but which is a fraction shorter, you do not see the helicopter turn back on itself, back towards the Village.
   So that piece of helicopter film footage, which is stock footage, is in itself suggestive enough to make us think that Professor Jacob Seltzman did in fact escape the village. But the helicopter could have been brought back through contact with the pilot from the control room. Or returned back to the village under remote control via an operator in the control room. And then don't forget the helicopter takes passengers to a landing stage, which is mentioned by No.2 during ‘The Schizoid Man.’ But I suppose in the long run, its less complicated if we simply believe that Seltzman is the one who got away!

Who Is Number 1?
   Yes I know this questions already been done to death, and I know we are all No.1, and allegorically No.6 is No.1, they being one and the same. And yes I know we are told in that opening dialogue between the Prisoner and No.2, when asked "Who is Number 1" No.2 replies "You are Number 6." But plainly, before Patrick McGoohan locked himself away for 36 hours to write the script for ‘Fall Out,’ and himself into that script as No.1 - who was No.1 in the previous 16 episodes?

I'm Afraid Of Nothing!
   If that's so, why does No.2 hide behind a pair of solid steel doors? Presumably they are blast proof! But apparently not No.6 proof, as you can observe how easily No.6 pulls the steel doors apart during ‘Many Happy Returns’ - and using only his bare hands, presumably because the power is off he is able to do this. And how do we know the power is off, because the pair of steel doors did not open automatically for him on that particular morning, nor could No.6 boil his kettle back in the kitchen of his cottage.

A Sense Of Humour - Strong And Unimpaired
"Top of his class in woodwork!" During The Chimes of Big Ben No.2 tries to encourage No.6 to "Join in." To which No.6 responds "I'll make you a handle for this door!" which I find very humorous, as does No.2 "Ha ha ha ha ha ha...." as no wooden handle would make the pair of steel doors work.

Be seeing you

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