Monday 4 November 2013

The Therapy Zone

   Then perhaps the reason for "Rover" attacking Curtis, can be simplified to the fact that he had no mole on his left wrist!

The Rook
  Some would have it that the Rook-No.56 had been brought to the village in order to protect the secret of his invention of a new electronic defence system. Well that doesn't quite ring true, because the plans had already been stolen, by some petty bureaucrat who had let his bag get swiped!
   No, No.56 had been brought to the village to keep him out of harms way, by causing harm to the homeland, because of his belief that No.56 thought all nations should have his invention, the electronic defence system which would have ensured world peace! A prisoner perhaps of his own high sense of morality!

The Corruptive Influence Of Power
    During No.6's somewhat brief appointment as the new No.2 in ‘Free For All,’ No.6 learned a very important lesson. That power corrupts, as we hear him try to force his will upon the people "Obey me and be free" No.6 said. But the people didn't want to be free, and so ignored the booming voice coming over the public address system.
    Also No.6 learned that in itself, power cannot set you free. I wonder what lesson, if any, the village administration learned by the exercise of Free For All?

   For so many people to remain fans, and I include myself in this, of the Prisoner. Is it not possible that, like so many citizens of the village, we have all in some way been brainwashed?

A Penny Farthing For His Thoughts!
   Even as a child there was something in his brain which was a puzzlement. Now we'll never know what it was. And he was never as open even in adulthood, in fact that puzzlement, if anything, grew worse! Yet in his creation of the Prisoner he had a message for us. He was trying to tell us something, yet at the time no-one was listening, or wanted it all explaining for us. However over the years we grew to listen, and many of us tried to understand what Pat McGoohan was trying to tell us. And in that we, each of us, have to attain our own personal understanding, no matter how others may see, or interpret the Prisoner. I reached my own personal understanding some time back, and in doing so have been happy to help others when asked.

Be seeing you


  1. >>But the people didn't want to be free<< Heretic statement, they would have liked to be free again but they very well knew what was going on with No. 6. At least, after the staged election campaign, they knew that he was by no mean going to be come the new No. 2. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      That's nicely put. But did the good citizens of the Village actually know that No.6 would not become the new No.2? If they did know, I wonder who told them? It is my own opinion that the citizens had no idea that No.6 would not become the new No,.2. After all No.2 needed the citizens to do exactly what they would do during an election. The fact that nearly everyone voted for No.6 only demonstrates just how manipulated the electorate in the Village was! Which begs the question, how was the elctorate manipulated to vote for No.6? Conditioning, or drugs perhaps, or both.

      Very kind regards

  2. There's no need to explicitely tell people, in autoritarian regimes people (unless completely bereft of their brains) usually have a keen sense something's going on or that something's wrong. So, everybody would sense a foul play on No. 6. They were told to act the way they did at a certain moment, hold No. 6 placards, cheer etc. Were they intimidated too? Most likely yes, by subtle force that's what I think. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      True enough, and well put.

      Very kind regards
