Saturday 9 November 2013

The Therapy Zone

A B & C
    No.2 told the doctor-No.14 that he hadn't got a week, in fact he'd only three days in which to achieve a result, acquiring the reason behind No.6's resignation. No.2 also informed the good doctor that they had researched and computer the Prisoner's whole life, and had discovered that it boiled down to three people, ‘A B and C.’ Well if they had done all that, then why not simply ask the computer why the Prisoner had resigned, instead of going through all the rigmarole of ‘A B and C?’
   So much time spent researching and computing the Prisoner's whole life, was the probable reason as to why No.2 had so little time, three days in fact, in which to achieve the required result! He could also have been coming to the end of his term of office, according to The Tally Ho there was already doubt as to whether No.2 was fit for a further term!

I'm Definitely A Lifer.......I know Too Much!
    Well I've been studying the Prisoner for a good many years now, and my findings, theories, and interpretations arrived at by using reasoned logic, are all in my manuscript, which has taken me four years to write, and yet is still being added to from time to time. Not only that but I've made discoveries regarding ‘the Prisoner’ and related material which has never been discussed by fans of the series before. And until that manuscript is published, well I guess a Prisoner I remain. there have been times when I've drifted into a small fantasy in a fictional world, that this particular manuscript would see my abduction to the village, and it's having been filed away somewhere in one of those grey filing cabinets in that large room, seen in the opening sequence..... and then I wake up!

Hero Or Anti-Hero?
    Is No.6 is just that, a hero, or anti-hero? Well you have to decide for yourself, but look at the way he cruelly treats the females No.6 encounters. Maids who are assigned to his cottage, are treated with disdain, and sarcasm, together with snide remarks. And are often shouted at for no apparent reason. He is totally unsympathetic towards his observer-No.240, regardless of the fact that she is trying to help him. And he doesn't want to be helped when the white Queen-No.8 offers to help him escape, if his plan is a good one. Indeed No.8 is hurt very much by the brusque nature of man she loves, and believes loves her "You know you can be very cruel" No.8 tells him.
   However look at the way he takes No.8 under his wing, Nadia Rokovsky that is, but probably only because No.6 is under the impression that Nadia knows the location of the village and thereby if No.6 knows where he is sailing from, he can calculate where he is sailing to! And there there's No.24-Alison who No.6 helps with her mind-reading act, not to mention aiding Monique-No.50 who comes looking for help in preventing an assassination! Not forgetting No.36 for whom No.6 bought a bag of candy from the kiosk, that time when her credit allowance had all been used up. To No.36 No.6 would be a hero that day.
    So hero or anti-hero, the choice is yours. I suppose it would depend on who you are, and on No.6's mood on any particular day.

Be seeing you

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