Friday 6 December 2013

A Favourite scene In The Prisoner


  Well not so much a favourite moment in ‘the Prisoner,’ but certainly an amusing one. As the portly, and heavy No.2 in A ‘Change of Mind,’ having been denounced and marched through the village by the citizens chanting "Unmutual, unmutual, unmutual" to the beat of a drum. No.2 then takes to his heels, and sprightly runs up the steps to the relative safety of the Green Dome.
   Can we really believe that a man of No.2's stature is so light on his feet? Well of course we can't, as actor John Sharp who played the role of No.2 never went to Portmeirion. Mind you I do really think that they could have found a slightly heavier and portly man to run up those steps. Perhaps at the time of filming they had no idea that John Sharp was going to play the role of No.2 in ‘A Change of Mind.’

I'll be seeing you

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