Monday 2 December 2013

Escape and Escapability!

    I suppose there are two ways of looking at the picture on the wall screen in No.2's office. The one being that of the containment area for the Village Guardian somewhere at the bottom of the sea. Or that it is simply film of a lava lamp, displayed on the wall screen for No.2's benefit. This because to sit and watch a lava lamp is to find it theraputic, it relaxes the mind. But for the Village Guardian, it's just as much a prisoner in the Village as anyone, and yet for "it" there is no possibility of escape. It's a perpetually moving thing, like a caged tiger, in the same way No.6 paces up and down in his cottage, also like a caged tiger. Now and again one or two, sometimes three segments of the Guardian are released into the Village, but so much is the manipulation of the Guardian, that once any such segment of the Guardian is de-activated, it automatically returns the the containmnet area without any thought for esacpe!
                                        "You can't do this to me, let me out!"
Be seeing you

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