Saturday 7 December 2013

Madam's Wine Is Always Excellent! by Special French Correspondent Blandois

   Being a bold, handsome Frenchman, and man about Paris, I was invited to attend one of Madam Engadine's celebrated parties, which are the toast of Paris. Well being a Frenchman, and a connoisseur of good wine, I donned my best shirt, cravat, Top Hat, and frock coat, and sallied forth through the streets of Paris to hail myself a cab.
  The ambience was perfect, and of course Madam Engadine was in good form as usual, "Hello Blandois, nice to see you darling."
  There were many influential people who attend madam Engadines parties. Ambassadors, Statesman, wealthy business men, Count's, Countesses, Barons, Earls, spies....... you never know who you'll meet. But so many people know this gentleman, and he them. And he is on very good terms with Madam Engadine herself
   Here is a man who made world news a few years ago, he defected to the other side. He like our friend, these two gentlemen do the same job, for different sides, and for different reasons. But they both want to conquer the world! I Blandois would like to have done such a thing, but you know how things are, your life may depend on a mere scrap of intelligence, and what with my being a self-confessed cold blooded killer, my reputation always preceded me. But here, at Madam Eungadine's party, I feel that I can mingle with the best, and worst of them!
   The party soon got wilder and wilder, and no doubt it will all end in tears. Well all the best parties do! Here, our friend seems to be "worse for the grape," as he tries desperately to put the mirror on the wall straight! Such is the effect of this wild party, that the edge of the framed photograph developed out of shape!
  Having met with a woman who I shall refer to simply as 'B' in the arbour, our friend encounters another lady.
 She could be Madam Butterworth, an English lady. She lives in London, a widow, her husband was a sea Captain, who went down with his ship. She comes to Paris on occasion, and is here especially to see our friend. I observed her pass something to him, an earring, suggesting he place it on the number 6. I over heard her say I feel sure it's your lucky number. Well at the roulette table I observed the number 6 come up, the croupier picked up the earring, and passed our friend here a key. A few minutes later, our friend leaves the party in the company of Madam Engadine. I attempted to follow, but became entangled with a conga train.
  As for these photographs, you may be wondering how I was able to take them, without being intrusive, without being spotted taking photographs of the rich, famous, and infamous? Well I have a small camera secreted in my cigarette lighter. The only trouble is, I had to smoke endless cigarettes so as not to give myself away!

our Special French Correspondent - Blandois of Paris

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