Monday 16 December 2013

Quote For The Day

    "Schell nindestoyer!"
        {Ernst - Many Happy Returns}
   These are the first two words spoken in the episode by Ernst one of the gun runners. Although for much of 'Many Happy Returns' not one word is spoken, well in the Village who is there for No.6 to speak to? The episode does not suffer for the lack of dialogue, in fact it makes it more powerfull. The Village is desterted, the only possible sounds being the wind, bird song, and the bell that rings out over the Village, as No.6 tries to attract someones attention.
   When I was looking for the correct spelling of "Schnell nindestoyer," I thought to switch on the subtitles, but for two copies of the DVD produced by De Agostini and Network DVD there are no subtitles. But in a third previously produced by Carlton {now Granada} all the subtitles said was {spoken in a foreign language}. What's more before Ernst speaks those words he says something else which is quite indistinguishable, but on the Network DVD that has been removed from the episode, I wonder why?

Be seeing you


  1. Hello David,
    if I remember correctly they speak German.. I'm not sure about the actual dialogue, but from the above it should be "Schnell, nimm das Steuer" - translated "quick, take the rudder".
    Best wishes

    1. Hello Jana,
      I'm obliged. I knew the spelling of schnell, but was completely uncertain of the rest of the spelling, so thank you for putting it right for me, as well as providing the translation.

      Very best regards

  2. German language can be tricky: If Ernst (= earnest) had confused the definitve article we'd all be happy: "Schnell, nimm die Steuer" = "Quick, take the tax." - BCNU!
