Tuesday 10 December 2013

Santa Clause Is Coming To Town!

   "Ho, ho, ho everyone. I confess I cannot bring you smart phones, nor that lap top you've been waiting for, but I keep taking the tablets! I have no applications for you nor wifi either. Digital radios are not allowed here, and intelligence devices like drones are frowned upon.
    But I can bring you Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii consoles, fully electronic, no bullets, that way you can't kill anyone. I confess that as Santa Clause I'm inadequate, inadequate! And since having arrived here, I find I am not allowed to leave again! So that can only mean one thing, there is to be a new Father Christmas! I wish I'd never come here, but Number Six wanted to Escape for Christmas, and Number 2 asked for a new computer!

Be seeing you with special thanks to Arno and Jana for this item.

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