Tuesday 31 December 2013

The Prisoner Under The Spotlight

    Sometimes, in a quiet moment, when I'm sat here alone in my study, I find myself thinking about those tormented souls who live here in the Village. And I can instantly call three specific people to mind, three souls who are in deepest torment.
    Madam Professor who came to the village, with her husband the Professor, of her own free will. Her husband who she loved, and cared for so much that she would talk him into doing anything to keep him alive. Her husband who was electrocuted to death by his own creation, as he fought to save it. Now Madam Professor is condemned to spending the rest of her life here in the village, in reduced circumstances no doubt.
    No.2, who through his own paranoia became a weak link in the chain of command.
   His mistrust of anyone, and everyone in the village, even of those most closest to him, aided No.6's vendetta against him, and lead to his ultimate breakdown. Left as he was, to live out the remainder of his days in the psychiatric ward of the hospital.
   Finally there is Janet Portland, possibly the most tormented soul of the three.
   Janet has no idea where her fiancé is, and cannot be sure whether or not her father, Sir Charles Portland, is telling her the truth when he said he has no idea where her fiancé is. And that he hasn't sent him on a mission.
   Then a miracle happens, her fiancée returns to her, albeit in the guise of another man, but a kiss tells here that this man, the Colonel, is her fiancé. Yet as soon as her fiancé returned to her, she went and lost him for a second time, which must have broken her heart. Especially when you consider that her fiancé appears not as the man she fell in love with, and that she'll probably never know what has become of him. The best thing one can say about Janet's torment is that she knows nothing of the Village!   Each of these poor tormented souls are worthy of our sympathies, yes even the sadistic No.2, who was brought to his knees by his own paranoia.

Be seeing you

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