Friday 6 December 2013

The Therapy Zone

Why Did Number Six Resign?
   This is the 64 million dollar question that each consecutive No.2 would like to know.
   Well not really, only 6 No.2's were concerned with the reason behind No.6's resignation. 5 No.2's concerned themselves with simply "breaking" No.6. And the remainder had nothing to do with it at all!

The Girl Who Was Death
   The use of children  in this episode, is a demonstration of the depths to which Number 2 will stink, in order to obtain the reason behind No.6's resignation. Also it is a demonstration of how No.6 himself, can manipulate any given situation.

Ex-Number 2's And Late Presidents
   Have you considered what happens to ex-Number 2's once they've left the Village? Well they don't all go back to the Houses of Parliament you know, not by any means. Take this guy for example. Once he was quite happy to use children to extract the reason behind the Prisoners resignation, but it did him little good. Because he, like so many before him, failed miserably.
   Then this particular Number 2 was brought back, oh but not for a second term of office, although it is possible I suppose, if you see ‘Fall Out’ as a further manipulation of Number 6. No, this Number 2 was brought back to the village to pose as a President, a Judge, to reside over the question of democratic crisis which has just hit the village. Ah, but then there was the evacuation, the order given by the President himself. So what happened after his escape from the Village?

   Well as I've said, late Number 2's do not all return to the Houses of Parliament, but possibly to their former lives, if not too many "embarrassing questions are asked" that is. Others like out friend here, run shabby, if not shady, little import & export businesses somewhere along the Thames in London.

Degree Absolute
    At the end No.6 throws down his glass in disgust! When in reality he should have felt triumphant. It was suggested by the resuscitated No.2 in ‘Fall Out’ that it was the drink that did for No.2 back in the embryo room of ‘Once Upon A Time,’ and many fans are convinced that it was indeed the drink. Yet did not No.6 drink of the same bottle as No.2, and was he not unaffected by the same drink? So it could not possibly have been the drink itself that did for No.2, but the wine glass itself!
   Ask yourself this, who else was in the embryo room with No.'s2 and 6? Who was it that not only aided the two men during their deliberations, but also looked after then - cooking them meals, washing up. Making coffee, putting wine on the table? In my opinion it was the Butler who did it, and how he did it was to "lace" No.2's wine glass with a drug, into which No.2 poured the wine. The only trick was to make sure No.2 got the right glass!

Be seeing you

1 comment:

  1. Why did No. 6 resign? - If it wasn't all No. 2s at least somebody remained who had to guessing: the audience. - BCNU!
