Sunday 8 December 2013

What Happened To Chambers?

    "A most important day, remember? Getting ready to meet Chambers about to become late of the Foreign Office. You were hoping to change his mind before the "big boys" found out. You waited and waited, But he never turned up. A nice guy Chambers and so talkative."
                                                     {No.2 Arrival}
    I wonder how much communication there really is between governmental departments? I only ask because Chambers was about to either resign, or defect to the other side, and the Prisoner was going to try and talk him out of it before his superiors found out. So it's improbable that the Prisoner was assigned to the task, I'm of the opinion that he was doing it off his own bat so to speak, which is an indication that the Prisoner knew Chambers personally, who had in fact confided his intentions to him. Indeed Chambers must have trusted the Prisoner {can't I call him something else, it's not very good to call the man the Prisoner outside of the Village!} to tell him what he was about to do, Chambers that is.
   And yet whether resigning from the Foreign Office, or defecting to the other side, the Prisoner was going to try and stop him, but he was too late, and so was Chambers as it happens. Chambers didn't keep that meeting with the Prisoner. He didn't have time to resign, or defect, defection being favourite I think. If it was resignation then the "big boys" would find out about it soon enough. However if it was defection, before he could do it, the Village got to him first! A nice guy Chambers and so talkative as No.2 would have it.
   But what goes around comes around, seeing as the Prisoner goes and resigns his job, only to be abducted to the Village by two Undertakers, which is presumably what happened to Chambers. You see I'm of the opinion that Cobb has no place in 'Arrival,' it should have been Chambers who the Prisoner encountered on the ward in the hospital. Chambers whose suicide should have been staged, and Chambers who mustn't keep his new masters waiting!

Be seeing you

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