Monday 9 December 2013

What's the Colonel Up To?

    Camera shop Proprietor "I am sorry sir, am I late, or are you just a little bit early?"
    The Colonel "In a bit of a hurry, let’s put it that way."
    "Then we mustn't keep you a second, what can I do for you?"
    "I left some film with you, a roll of colour which you despatched for me. Here's the receipt."
    "Oh, that's just over forty-seven years ago...."
    "But you still have it presumably?"
    "Certainly sir, just takes that second or two longer. Always the way Sir when we're in a hurry isn't it. I'll be as quick as I can."
   Blimy he's good! To still have those colour transparancies after all these years, and to be able to lay his hands on it within a few moments!    I wonder what Doctor Seltzman looks like these days? Where he is, and how far he has got in his mind transference experiments?
   If anyone can find Doctor Seltzman after forty-seven years it will be our friend the Prisoner-No.6!

Be seeing you

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