Thursday 19 December 2013

What's That Number 6 Up To?

   Looks like to me that No.6's distress call was picked up alright. But if No.6 looks to be "all at sea," just take a look at the depth of water at this point.
   However it looks as though No.6 has got away with it this time. But who are the two jokers helping him? Perhaps No.6 has made it along the coast, and these are helpful Villagers come to his assistance.
   But if you ask me, No.6 is more likely to be practising for the Village regatta next week, he's already dressed for the occasion. But I think he could have chose a more suitable craft, that Coracle he built would have been better suited, mind you having said that, it wasn't that seaworthy a craft! Trouble is No.6 will not be advised, such is the stubborn nature of the man. Anything will do in a storm, I suppose. Well I wouldn't give much for No.6's chances with that toy boat of his!

No.8 {Village Regatta organiser}

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