Thursday 2 January 2014

60 Second Interview With No.2

     No.113 "Good morning Number Two. Thank you for giving this interview."
     No.2 "Yes, well get on with it, I haven't got all day."
     No.113b "Smile." {click goes the camera}
     No.113 "This won't take a minute. Tell me Number Two, have you noticed anything different about Number Six?”
     No.2 "Not really no."
    "He's going about wearing a cream blazer."
    "Perhaps he fancy's a change!"
    "Perhaps. But he's taken to wearing his numbered badge."
    "Number Six never wears his badge!"
    "Well, perhaps he's decided turn over a new leaf."
    "Really. You really think that?"
    "Well yes. Anyone can change."
    "Yes Number Two, and there's something different about Number Six, but for the life of me I can't put my finger on it."
    "Is this who you've come to see me about, Number Six. This Village doesn't revolve around Number Six you know."
    "You know Number Two, sometimes I wonder about that, I really do."

Reporter No.113
Photographer No.113b

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