Friday 10 January 2014

60 Second Interview With An Undertaker

    “Administrator: I am not an Undertaker!”
    No.113: “You look like an Undertaker.”
    “Well I'm not.”
    “You're dressed in black, wearing a top-hat.”
    “Well Undertakers dress like that.”
    “Maybe so.....”
    “And an Undertaker dressed just like you officiated at Cobb's funeral.”
    “Yes we do that.”
    “Then you're an Undertaker.”
    No.113b “Smile” {click goes the camera}
    “No, not Undertaker......... Top-Hat official.”
    “Do what?”
    “A Top-Hat official, I'm an Administrator, I work for the Town Hall.”
    “What about those two Undertakers who abducted No.6 here to the Village, were they Undertakers?”
    “They were dressed as Undertakers.”
    “One of them drove a hearse.”
    “So who goes about in a hearse if it isn't Undertakers?”
    “Well no-one.....”
    “My point precisely. So you call yourself a Top-Hat official do you?”
    “Well not really.”
    “No I thought not. Why mention it then?”
    “Well it’s a title that someone bestowed upon us.”
    “You mean you are not referred to?”
    “Oh god no, actually we are not referred to at all. We are just there.
    “Is Number Two one of you?”
    “Oh yes.”
    “And like Number Two you are allowed to leave the Village?”
    “Yes, when we are given an assignment.”
    “Like abducting people to the Village.”
    “Well someone has to do it. And who would give a hearse and two undertakers a second glance?”
    “Only for a gentleman to remove his hat as they drive by.”
    “My point precisely.”
    “No if you don't mind I've some administrating to do.”
    “Why are you looking at me like that?”
    “I'm more used to seeing people lying down!”

Reporter No.113
Photographer No.113b


  1. "Undertakement", that's what his attitude could be called . - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      "Undertakement" yes I suppose it could, if I get your meaning correctly, that he takes on many undertakements. He also assumes the role as an "Undercover," first as a waiter at Janet Portland's birthday party, and later as a chauffeur!

      Very kind regards

  2. I was as well aiming at understatement, a bit.Because that's what his words would suggest. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      Fair enough.

      Very kind regards
