Wednesday 22 January 2014

Caught On Camera!

   No.14, the doctor who had developed a new drug, and who was about to set out on an important experiment involving No.6.
   And here is No.14 at the point when the Prisoner-No.6 is about to leave Engadine's party. No.2 isn't at all happy, but No.14 states that the dream must run it's course, it's what would have happened.........But just a minute! An importnat experiment, a drug that hasn't been proved yet, but will be on her if it doesn't work, appears to have had time to go to the hairdressers. Her fringe has been cut!
  Oh no my mistake, we all have to make mistakes, sometimes we have to, because by the time of the third and final does of No.14's drug, she has grown the finge back again!

Be seeing you


  1. Literally hair-raising, isn't it. Or rather hair-retracting. That must be the explanation. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      Yes that's very good, I like both your explanations, hair-raisng sounds about right. Although the answer is far simpler and far more mundane.....actress Sheila Allen had been to the hairdressers between shooting scenes in the laboratory! Pity Doris Martin who was responsible for continuity on 'A B and C' didn't notice it, or perhaps she did, and by that time there was nothing anyone could do but simply carry on regardless!

      Very kind regards

  2. I can disclose that I suffer (almost) the same, the hair-retracting syndrome. Only thing's, it looks different... BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      Don't we all, but mine is receding much like Steinmetz!

      Very kind regards
