Sunday 5 January 2014

It’s Inexplicable!

    That No.6 should hear No.73's screams coming from the hospital, when he's out walking passed the old People's Home in ‘Hammer Into Anvil,’ and the hospital on the other side of The Village! Ah, but I suppose the average viewer of the Prisoner who has not been to the Italianate village of Portmeirion would not have known that the Hotel used as the Old People's Home and the Castle Deudreath used for the Village hospital, are on opposing sides of Portmeirion.
   Number 73, who after being interrogated by No.2 in question to her husband, who is still "Over there," she becomes what is termed as being "a damsel in distress." No.2 who turns on No.73, makes her scream out, a scream which in turn brings No.6 into the equation and rushing to No.73's help, but all too late as it happens.
  You see, No,6 is a succour for a damsel in distress, even that of a young woman who, as far as I'm aware, has had no previous contact with. So this begs the question asked once upon a time by No.2, and of the subject in hand....why does he care? Or is it simply a case of No.6 using this situation to achieve his own ends, to bring about the downfall of No.2!

Be seeing you

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