Monday 6 January 2014

Pictorial Prisoner

  A new arrival in the Village! I bet this former No.2 couldn't believe he'd been brought back to the Village! Mind you this must have been how it was for No.2 on the day of his first arrival in the Village, much the same as it was for the Prisoner-No.6!

    The question is, was this No.2 brought back to the Village of his own volition for this second term of office in the Village, or was he abducted away from London against his will?
 I should say the latter, he certainly wasn't at all happy at having been brought back to the Village again. And it's that "brought back" which suggests that he was abducted a second time, and again without his prior knowledge, to the Village. After all once upon a time this No.2 had been a prisoner abducted to the Village, but as a Prisoner who resisted for so short a time, that's what he found so deplorable!

Be seeing you

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