Saturday 11 January 2014

The Therapy Zone

   After Sir and his Butler have returned home to 1 Buckingham Place, Westminster,  London, the place where it all began. A black hearse passes slowly by, but this time it holds no fear for him. However, can we be sure that it is a simple hearse, it's two undertakers having not just abducted another destined for The Village? But for Sir, he has escaped The Village of his mind. He climbs in behind the wheel of his Lotus and drives off, as the Butler watches him go. Then, the door of the house opens automatically, the Butler enters, and the door closes automatically behind him with that oh so familiar electronic buzz, just like the door of 6 Private back in The Village.
  Is Sir really free? Well no, as the word PRISONER appears on the screen as Sir drives his Lotus passed the Houses of Parliament. Oh physically he is free of The Village, here in the World outside, where you would expect things to be different, they are aren't they.....aren’t they different? Perhaps not, because before the episode of Fall Out finishes, we see that for the Prisoner it is about to commence all over again. Perhaps at the end of the day, the Prisoner prefers his dream of the Village to that of the real world!

Many Happy Returns
    No.6 has the same problem, as he sets out on his sea voyage in ‘Many Happy Returns,’ that he had before he met Nadia, during ‘The Chimes of Big Ben,’ he doesn't know where he is sailing from, and so cannot calculate where he is sailing to!

   It has been written that one surreal moment comes in the Prisoner after the Lotus 7 has been driven along a long and deserted road which then suddenly becomes a road in London, and over Westminster bridge. Well hardly that, although on film it does seem that way. But remember that long and deserted road is actually a runway on an airfield in Norfolk, and there's the journey between that and actually arriving in London.
   Much of what is seen in the Prisoner is condensed, otherwise the viewer would soon get bored, this isn't 24 you know. But what is surreal is that No.6 never goes to the toilet, not even after that 12 hour journey in that crate during ‘The Chimes of Big Ben!’

Have you ever known a Plan which Involved No.6 To Succeed?
   In ‘Checkmate’ No.8 asked No.6 when he was going to try and escape, seeing as how everyone tries to escape when their spirit's broken. If it's a good plan, No.8 told No.6 that she'd help him with it, seeing as how she'd helped others with their plans. But then their plans never succeeded, which I suppose would be something of a coincidence. But then again, No.6 may have had his doubts about No.8, but his record regarding escape plans is hardly faultless. I mean, have you known a plan to succeed which involved No.6?

Be seeing you

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