Tuesday 21 January 2014

The Therapy Zone

   Somewhere out in the desert, at a long disused railroad halt, from the railhead, Six paces out six paces, and stoops to dig out an old tin he once buried as a boy of eight years of age. Inside a note read, "Whoever you are, I am Six." Now, as an adult Six paced this out exactly to where the tin was buried in the presence of 313. But on the television screen we see the boy Six is also pacing it out, as seen here.
   So on the beach, or out in the desert, if Six as a boy paced out where the tin was to be buried, the adult Six's paces would be longer, his stride wider than it was as a boy. That being the case, as Six paced out to where the tin was buried, he should have over stepped the buried tin by some distance! But Six went straight to it as 313 observed. As No.2 once said "They are, damned clever!"

Television Within The Prisoner
    In The Village, television is a two-way communication media, as in Free For All, when No.2 is invited to come to Mohammed! And again towards the end of Checkmate when No.2 faces No.6 with the fact that he has only himself to blame for the failed escape plan.
    Television is also a tool for a mass educational experiment in ‘The General,’ a way of keeping an eye on No.6 during the ‘Dance of the Dead.’ And during the episode of Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling, we discover that the Prisoner uses the television set itself to hide a wall safe!

    When No.6 awakens from his dream of ‘Living In Harmony,’ all exterior shots show No.6's blazer buttoned up, but all the interior shots show No.6's blazer unbuttoned! I mean, I can't believe that as No.6 dashes out of the Silver Dollar Saloon, he suddenly buttons up his blazer on the way out, can you? So where was Phyllis Townshen at the time I wonder?
   Phyllis Townshend was responsible for continuity on the episode Living In Harmony, but all through the Prisoner series, persons responsible for continuity changed almost as frequently as No.2, but chiefly it was Doris Martin.

   Why was escape No.6's principle intention in so few episodes?
    Well I suppose because there are only so many ways in which one can attempt to escape The Village. I know that Prisoners try to escape when the spirit is broken, but that can work both ways, the spirit can be broken after repeated escape attempts which end in failure. A lesson last learned by No.6 during ‘Checkmate.’

The thing about the village is, there is safety in numbers!

Many Happy Returns
    It states in the original script of this episode, that Edgar is a "ruddy computer." That we fed in everything you gave us sir, meaning the Colonel, with all the variables, it came up with a possibility, this while calculating the search area for the village. This reads like the computer in which No.2 had researched and computed the Prisoner's whole life in ‘A B &andC!’

Be seeing you

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