Wednesday 22 January 2014

The Therapy Zone

    Like one day after the next, and daytime after night-time, I have long believed that No.6 completes, and continues, in a vicious circle. There is no escaping it, but there is always tomorrow.

The Prisoner
    Suspense is the keynote of the series. The action is electrifying but, more than anything, these are stories of one man's personal courage and convictions. The emotional impact and intensely moving. "It tears at the heart," one member of the unit declared after seeing a rough-cut of the first episode.

The Prisoner
    The action is on three levels; the Prisoner is constantly probing to discover the identity of his captors and why they have abducted him to the village. He strives by all means and at risk of death to escape. And he becomes involved with his captors and takes an active part in situations rising in their lives.

The Palace of Fun
   Although marked on Your Map of the Village, it is a building not employed in the actual series of the Prisoner. The idea behind it was to keep the inmates or rather the citizens entertained. With amateur dramatics, music concerts. Exhibitions of mime, Village Festivals, Arts and Crafts Exhibitions. There was to have been a Casino where citizens could gamble their credit units away. Of course much of the listed activities either take place in the Town Hall, as in the Ball on the evening of ‘Dance of the Dead,’ and the Arts and Crafts Exhibition, folk music concerts, and exhibition of mime and entertainment which takes place in the Recreation Hall. Somehow I think the Palace of Fun, would have been a whole lot more fun!

Prognosis Report On No.6
   Daily the subject takes a stroll around the Village. Well that doesn't take long. Have you ever taken a stroll round the Village? You can only draw it out, by walking very slowly!

  Why did No.1 climb up into the nose cone of the rocket?
    Well basically there was nowhere else for him to go. And he certainly didn't want to be caught by his counterpart No.6. Besides which, have you ever noticed how in television, and films, that anyone being chased by somebody else, they have this instinctive urge to go upwards. To climb, to go up stairs and ladders, but by any other means, they must ascend to a higher level in order to try and, well try to escape!

Be seeing you

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