Monday 27 January 2014

The Therapy Zone

A Question Of Interpretation
   At her art seminar Madam Professor describes a man sat tearing up a book as "creating a fresh concept. Construction comes out of the ashes of destruction." And then there's a woman standing on her head "She's developing a new perspective." And the man's asleep in the chair simply because "The mind learns only when it wants to."
  Well to me the man's simply tearing up a book, the woman's standing on her head, and the man's asleep in the chair simply because he's tired!
   Well I think this is a case of madam Professor seeing one thing, where the rest of us see something else, much like the Prisoner, its all to do with interpretation.

   Talk about taking advantage of your opportunities! Number Six only called Roland Walter Dutton as a character witness at his trail, because he knew the man was scheduled to die, so knew that whatever Dutton had to say, he had nothing to lose by saying it! Which is all very well, but I wonder what Roland Walter Dutton would have said, had he been able to?

Number 2 - Leo McKern
   A "late" Number 2 looked into the all seeing stainless steel eye and said "Look me in the eye, whoever you are, whatever you are." Well that's all fine and dandy, but which Eye?
   Previously during ‘The Chimes of Big Ben’ when Number 6 was busy in the woods hollowing out the hull of his boat.
   Number 2 remarked upon the home-made tools "Axe, stone chisels, even these are outside the pale of the law you know, technically speaking." To which Number 6 replied "I'm sure you can wink a blind surveillance eye. "Yes, but which one?
   Because Leo McKern actually has a glass eye. And by the look on Patrick McGoohan's face, I believe he's enjoying a private joke, poking a bit of fun at Leo McKern.

What Will They Do To Me?
   These words might have crossed the Prisoner's mind whilst on his way to meet No.1. Change me utterly, I might even come out as someone quite new, as myself, but who am I? I seem to have spent my whole life being other people; a Priest, an astronaut. Lorry driver, Gypsy, a Secret Agent, an IRA man, Kings and desperate men. But with Prisoner in his end is his beginning. And as for the future, the future which shows every sign as being exactly like his past!

 Be seeing you

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