Saturday 4 January 2014

The Therapy Zone

    In the conversation between the new No.2 and the Prisoner he says "We do here what has to be done. It's the law of survival. It's either them or us." Imprison people, steal their minds, destroy them! "Depends on whose side you're on, doesn't it?" To which the Prisoner replies "I'm on our side." What the side of the village? If his own people put him here, there cannot be any question of which side runs the village. And if the village is set up to gather information, as suggested in ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling,’ it's not just the reason behind the Prisoner's resignation that they want - but all the information inside his head! The Prisoner has been put in the village for the protection of National security, and to be thoroughly debriefed at their leisure! And it might have worked, had they offered him something in return. Oh but of course they did, or at least No.2 did. It was during the aerial tour of the village when No.2 suggested to the Prisoner "You might even be given a position of authority." Well they did actually offer that position of authority, in ‘Fall Out,’ they offered No.6, or Sir as he became to be addressed as, the offer of ultimate power!

    The Prisoner is in a very dark place, of which there is no cure. What put him there, was whatever it was caused him to resign his job!

   I shouldn't want to be standing anywhere on that balcony during the ceremony of "Appreciation Day" of ‘It's Your Funeral.’ Because it shouldn't matter who is wearing the Great Seal of Office, which is packed with explosive, because when detonated, the end result would be the same. The death of more than one person, in a scene of carnage, blood and gore!

Players Or Pawns
    ‘Living In Harmony’ sees an unseal manoeuvre, as the players are at the same time, pawns in their own game! If the hallucinating No.6 might be seen as the King, not being allowed to move far before being hammered again, then Cathy, the Judge, and the Kid could be assigned to Queen, Bishop, and Knight respectively. The irony of this particular gambit is that the players allow themselves to be swallowed up by their own role-playing game, and in their own destruction, is the release of the Prisoner!

The Moon's A Balloon!
   On a purely allegorical level, it was once written that the Village Guardian could be seen as a condensed imitation of the Moon, that those men, seen sat around the Village Guardian in that cave during Free For All, were worshipping it, as people would worship the Moon.
    "I'd like to be the first man on the Moon!"  Well that is what No.6 told No.2 during ‘The Chimes Of Big Ben.’ Whether or not the rocket in ‘Fall Out’ eventually reaches the Moon, I cannot say, and it seems most unlikely. Yet after the events of ‘Fall Out,’ who is to say No.6 didn't eventually make it? After all that rocket No.1 had there was destined to go somewhere, and to take three passengers with him, sealed nicely in those "Orbit Tubes." It makes one wonder if the violent and bloody revolution had not taken place………had the rocket taken off with No.1, 48, the “late” No.2, and No.6 aboard…….what their ultimate fate might have been!

Be seeing you

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