Wednesday 8 January 2014

The Therapy Zone

Once Upon A Time
   Why is it we enjoy the demise of Number Two, and identify with the anti-hero Number Six? Why do we find this episode so entertaining? Perhaps because it's not happening to us, but to someone else, that's the only reason I can suggest. Oh we are happy to sit watching unspeakable things being done to others, the viewer is perhaps even comfortable with it.
   But this particular Number Two wasn't such a bad guy you know. He was forced into taking the action he did, there was no other way, it had to be the one or the other. And even Number Six was unhappy about the demise of his opponent, perhaps for the same reason that Number Two began to like Number Six.
   This episode is partly autobiographical, for the early part of McGoohan's life at any rate. And I do say partly, because there is only mention of his school days, as a Bank employee, and actor, as secret agent John Drake, having been recruited for secret, and confidential work. But there is no mention of wanting to train as a priest, or working on a chicken farm!

No.2 Set For Retirement
    This No.2, who has been perhaps the most industrious No.2 the Village has even seen. He is also unique, in the fact that not only is he due for retirement, but by the fact that he is the only No.2 to have gone on leave, and for quite some time, as there have been no fewer than three interim No.2's while he has been away on leave from The Village!
   Despite No.2 having served the community for the longest term of office, I was, I have to say, surprised that No.6 didn't know who No.2 was when he came to call upon the Chairman of the Village. No.6 said "I want to see Number Two." "I am Number Two" he told No.6. I can only think that No.2 has been so industrious, working for the good of the community at large, that he had no dealings with No.6 whatsoever, which I find difficult to believe. So I tried to get an interview with No.2, to ask him about this anomaly of No.6 not knowing who he was. But I was told that he was not available for comment. I can only hope that this soon to be ex-No.2, enjoys being peacefully retired into the Old People's Home.

The new Number Two played by George Baker, who was an effective Number Two, in the fact that he showed a different side to Two's nature. Because if Number Six doesn't give them what they want, they'll take it! Pity this Number Two was not around longer so that we, the viewer, could have got to know him better. But this Two was more in the way of an interim Number Two, brought in for studio scenes only after actor Guy Doleman was kicked off the production of ‘the Prisoner!’

   Do you know, well obviously you don't. But if I could have asked Angelo Muscat, who played the role of the Butler in the Prisoner, one question, it would be "Why did you wear your cape inside out?"
   Norma West attended a Prisoner Convention in the mid 1990’s, and in ‘Dance of the Dead’ she also wears her cape inside out. And do you know I never thought once to put that very same question to her when I had the chance!

Be seeing you

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