Wednesday 29 January 2014

The Village Celebrates by our own reporter

    The Village celebrates the homecoming of No.6 after his spell in hospital.
  Known to have been a trouble maker in the past, an aggressive man, No.6 who under went further investigation, and was eventually posted as being "Unmutual."
   Now, having undergone the process known as "Instant Social Conversion" is a much changed and happier man. For him excitement is a thing of the past, and the citizens, who once turned there back on him - who were provoked by the loathsome presence of an Unmutual! But now No.6 is welcomed back into the fold, and is a friend to all.
   Later I asked No.6 how he felt. "Different" he told me. "And you're aggressive tendencies" I asked taking a step back as No.6 suddenly tensed with a clenched a fist. Then he smiled and relaxed "Would you like some tea?" he suddenly asked me? It was then that his doctor-No.86 entered his cottage "Please don't tire him. He is still adjusting."
   No.2 told me in an interview that it was nothing to do with him, the decision of having No.6 undergo the process of "Instant Social Conversion," himself not being a member of the committee. But No.2 assured me that the village would now be a quieter and more peaceful place. But it wasn't for long! Because this reporter can inform it's readers, that No.2 was in fact an Unmutual! Who was denounced this very afternoon at 4pm, by No.86! This had the effect of the citizens turning upon No.2, and chasing him all the way back to the Green Dome! Whether or not they actually caught up with No.2, and what they actually did to him remains unknown, as nothing was seen of him.  Mind you, No.2 was a bit nippy on his feet for a portly man of his size, the way he ran u those stone steps to the Green Dome!

Be seeing you

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