Saturday 4 January 2014

What's That No.6 Up To?

    Village Technicians have developed an outboard life-buoy, which can be deployed at sea to help stricken mariners. No.6 was volunteered to test the outboard life-buoy. Pictured here setting out to sea, closely shadowed by the Village helicopter, this the first of several planned tests.
When out at sea, there the test really begins, with the simulation of the Jet boat in some difficulty, the steering jamming for example. And No.6 quickly jumps overboard.
  Once in the water, the outboard life-buoy is automatically activated, and now proceeds to pick up the crew in the water.
This outboard life-buoy, has been developed from the "air-bag" safety device which has been fitted to all taxis. You will recall some time ago, how No.6 tested that particular device, which operates to great effect, and with much the same result in both cases.
Both devices are the same, one on land, one on the sea. It is hoped that with further development, that this life saving device can be exported around the world.

Be seeing you

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