Saturday 8 February 2014

A Question of Time?

   Perhaps No.2 of 'A Change of Mind' was right when he suggested to No.6 that it was a question of time! The reason why No.2 of 'A B and C' only had three days to extract the reason behind the Prisoner's resignation, and No.2 of 'Once Upon A Time' who was only given a week! Certainly by the time of 'Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling' there was no longer time for the niceties of drugging the Prisoner first, via his nightly night cap of hot chocolate, allowing him to go to sleep, before medics come along and take No.6 away in his sleep. Now No.2 resorts to good old fashioned brute force, as four security guards are sent to '6 Private,' there is a fight, and No.6 struggles as he is physically manhandled out of his cottage, across the square, and placed into the red cross trailer towed behind a Mini-Moke. And this is a first, because security guards have not been seen out in the Village before!
    The Prisoner having been placed in the red cross trailer and covered by a blanket, he is no longer struggling, he is still, unmoving. There is a medical orderly sat behind the wheel of the Mini-Moke, which he never once gets out of. So it is unlikely that the orderly has administered a drug to the Prisoner, more likely, although we do not see this on screen, one of the security guards coshed the Prisoner into unconsciousness!
    A question of time, yes, for both No.2, 'the Prisoner,' and Patrick McGoohan who production-wise was really up against it by this time!

Be seeing you

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